5 day Salkantay trek

by: , USA -
July 23, 2012

I Loved arriving a few days early in Cusco in order to settle in and get acclimated. The companies explanations were great, and the orientation was helpful to make sure we had all our stuff. The staff (tour guide Hanz, and the chefs/porters (lucio, raul, ect...) were all lovely and were so patient with my lack of spanish. Our time during the Trek was very enjoyable. The first day was really beautiful scenery, and we could not get over how wonderful the food all was! they did such an excellent job.

Day 1

Loved doing the extra hike from basecamp to the lake. lots of warm clothes!!

Day 2

The mountain pass was so beautiful! slow and steady really helped to make it up!

Day 3

Take a shower' freezing but worth it! so refreshing.

Day 4

Loved the hot springs. A few hours there were so lovely, and really helped with mussels ect...

Day 5

Getting into Augas Callientes early is nice to really enjoy the town. Its just a little tourist town but very cute!

The only thing I would have really loved to see was the Lake on the pass at Salkantay . Due to limited time we didn´t get to see it.

Also would maybe suggest having a day to recover in Aguas Calientes By the time we got to Machu Picchu we were all quite tired, I would have really loved to have some time to really enjoy the site. Though maybe that is for next time.

Also for future travelers the option of staying an extra night after Machu Picchu in Aguas Calientes OR in Ollantaytambo would seem more comfortable due to the long travel time back. Also it would be nice to see the train ride during the day I have heard it is quite beautiful.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *