A dream comes true

by: , German -
November 11, 2014

My first trip to South America and first time Peru. I always had the dream to visit Machu Picchu to see the sacred Inca city. We had booked our Inca Trail to Machu Picchu organized by Inca Trail Reservations . I didn't really know what to expect, I was just excited. We had got all important and necessary information from the agency (Inca Trail Reservations) so I was happy to get started. Arrived in Cusco our guide Americo gave us a short introduction and that was the first time were I got a bit nervous... I am good in shape but I was a bit afraid due to the described treks, every day 7 hours in average... So no return, let's get started :-)

Early next day we started our adventure with a very nice trekking group of 8 people. The first day was easy, walking through a wonderful nature and had a perfect lunch, served by our cook and our porters. I have to admit that sleeping in a tent with a very thin mat will not become of my favorites, but I guess this belongs to a real adventure :-) Our second day was really intensive and also challenging, we started at 5 am and had a very long way up to the mountain... After that we were happy to take a little bird bath in a stream next to our path. A wonderful refreshment amongst a great nature.

The last day we had to get up very early, at 3:30 am, and started the last sequence of our adventure: up to Machu Picchu, how exciting ! It was a very easy last trip up to sacred city, in comparison to the last days ;-) Finally we arrived and it was awesome, the sky cleared and we saw the great and unique Inca city built in the mountain - just impressive ! These pictures I will never forget. I thank our guide Americo and his team for the great company and support to make this adventure just perfect and unforgettable !

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *