Journey to the clouds

by: , IRELAND -
January 13, 2015

I had the most amazing time on this trip ! I loved every moment. My boyfriend and I decided we wanted an escape from the hectic city life of Manhattan, New York, and this trek was exactly what the doctor ordered ! The rolling landscape, the smell of the fresh floral scents, the hazy foggy mornings that cleared to a sunny crescendo. I savored every moment of the experience. Our guides were knowledgeable, easy to relate to, understanding and extremely affable people. Our trip begin with an orientation session the night before which put at ease for the journey ahead and prepared us for every eventuality. Our questions were answered with a smile !

There were only 14 other people in our trek group. There was a mix of American, Argentinian, Irish and German in our specific group but we encountered people from all over the world on our four day journey. The food each day was a culinary delight. The dishes included Peruvian specialties. We were completely satisfied after each meal. The porters that attended to our every need, were the kindest sweetest people I have ever met. They hailed from local areas around Cusco. We could not have made the trek without their help.

The culmination of the trip was when we arrived at our final destination of Machu Picchu. The clouds parted and revealed the most exquisite archaeological ruins I've ever witnessed. The highlight of my trip was the unforgettable experience of hiking though the jungle, descending a spiral staircases constructed by the ancient Incas, covered with vines, as the light shimmered on the dewy leaves and the sound of birds whistling echoed through the passageways. It was heavenly. I felt so alive ! I'm so glad I went on this trek !

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *