The Hike Of My Life

by: , American -
August 23, 2015

Where do i begin, i supose i can start from the end of my adventure this time to make sure everyone understands how greatful i feel while im writing this review and having a nice cold brew. To start my whole body hurts and I don't want to even tell you about my smell, the last day would have to be the hardest day mentally and physically. Four days of hiking, running, eating fantastic meals, and making new family members. What I learned was this was not about seeing Machupicchu, this was about learning about yourself and others and what we all wanted to achieve. I would have to admit I was alway last everywhere on the hike, is group was insane shape and was blowing through the trails, but it didn't matter, Victor our guide always stayed back and made sure I was okay and safe. He pushed me to understand that this was not a race but a mental challenge for myself. He always made sure he was a good distance away so I wouldn't feel rushed to catch up with the rest of the group, he told me jokes to keep my mind off the pain I was feeling in my legs. Without Victor I would not have made it to the end. The trail is not easy, but if you want a challenge for yourself and meet great people then this is for you. I thank my wife for pushing to go on this trip because it has changed my life for the better. I challenge you to do the same and try to request Victor as your guide. He understands everyone's capabilities and knows when to push you when you are weak. If you are on the fence about this.... Just Do It.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *