An andean adventure with some sexy guinea pigs

by: , American -
August 16, 2015

i booked my trip online, and before i even left for peru our guide emailed me information about what to bring and what to expect. When i got to cuzco, he further prepared me for the trip and i was really confident that it would be great.

The first day of the trek was a great "introduction", where we hiked for ~4 hours to our campsite at ~3600 meters. We then had the option to stay in camp or go to a glacial lake that was one hour away. The lake was awesome! Such a beautiful landscape.

The second day was a pretty intense hike. We hiked up to 4600 meters, then came back down to 2800 meters. The top of the hike was incredible and we had a small ceremony at the top. It was really tough to hike at that altitude, but the reward of reaching the top was totally worth it.

The third day we descended further into the jungle and it was amazing to see such dramatic changes in the landscape. We also got to visit hot springs on the third day which was a great way to relax. Our group had a great "family" feel and we had a ton of fun with our guide all throughout the hike.

The fourth day featured zip lines and more hiking until we reached aguas calientes.

I highly recommend this trek to anyone looking to visit macchu pichchu or peru in general. Ive done pther treks in the andes and this was the best.

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *