awesome time

by: , USA -
September 07, 2016

I've read a lot about the Inca Trail before arriving to Peru .at the staf of thr trail , I felt great. amazing crews !!! .

Day1 , is the easier day once arrived at our campsite , I was quite impressed tents were set up, tea time , then dinner food was great on day 2 . We started earlier but was greeted with hot tea in our tents . breakfast was amazing and off we went to conquer day 2 , hardest day.

Going up to dead woman pass was hard, but doable , we stopped for lunch and again , amazing too . When going up , I took lots of break to cathen my breath as porter ran pass me. They were very encouraging and supportive , which , I really appreciated . I'm struggling get off they the fly up the mountain and took time to chat with me .

Overall , It was an incredible journey and i enjoyed every moment !! . The guide end porters were great and made the experience so much more !!. Very appreciated .

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *