Camino Inka

by: , USA -
June 15, 2014

Our experience on the Inca Trail was very fun. Our guide was very enthusiastic and talkative, he gave us lengthily informational talks at each of the places we stopped and along the trail if we had any questions.

The porters who carried our things were also very friendly and smiley. Although most of them spoke no English and some didn't even speak much Spanish, they always served our meals with smiles, woke us up with hot tea in the mornings, and could be heard laughing with each other late into the night.

It was overall well organized, and with two guides we were able to split up into a faster hiking group and a slower group, which allowed everyone to go at the pace they felt most comfortable with. The meals were large and hearty, although sometimes a little cold, and the constant supply of coca tea was welcome after a long day of hiking.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *