Go for it

by: , Canada -
September 24, 2014

Most amazing and surreal moment of my life. Words can't describe the type of experience it was. The difficult trek is worth every step. You get a full experience of the history and the trek that was used.

Highly recommend to others. It would be a trip of a lifetime, best trip ever ! You got a chance to try Peruvian food which was so tasty ! Get to spend time out in the wildlife, see beautiful mountains on the way, gorgeous bridges and caved staircases.

The stuff you will get to see is worth it ! Put it on your bucket list now.

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *