Good Trip !!!

by: , Norwegian -
January 24, 2016

We have been looking forward to walking the Inca Trail since we came to Peru. We were a bit a worried about the altitude since we never had been so high before.

The first day was a bit early to wake up , but we managed . We took the bus from Cusco for a few hours. It was since to sleep on the bus. We ate breakfast at a place on the way.

Day 1: The first day was a good warm up for the rest of the trip. We got to since our group and our guides. we really liked our group and we all walked nearly at the same pace. We walked for a few hours before we got to the camp were we got rally good food.

The tents we're relly big too. Actually they were fast for two, but we were sleeping three and there were plenty of room.

Day 2: Was easier than expected. We had heard a lot of horror stories before we came, but we all manged. despite at our bad hips and kness .

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *