Inca Trail

by: , dutch -
July 23, 2014

Once upon a time I went to Peru and I was planning to do the Inca Trail . At first I saw half the country and it was really amazing. After sightseeing in Lima, me and my buddy Tim planned on going to Ica where we saw the beautiful oasis. After Ica we went to Nazca to see the amazing Nazca Lines, we went to Arequipa to do the warming up for the Inca Trail at Cañon del Colca and after that we came to Cusco. On our way to Cusco we first did a fast excursion to Puno. Here we finally had some time to relax and get our rest. After we got our rest we went to see the town and it was really beautiful with all the Inca remains. Then the real deal started, the Inca Trail.

The first day was not so hard because we almost walked flat for the whole day. After the first day we had really nice food and the guide told us some stories about beautiful Inca remains. The second day was the hardest day and we had to walk upon really steep stairs and the altitude was also really hard. We reached camp early and got some sleeping before diner. Day 3 was in my opinion the most beautiful day because we saw some really nice views and different forms of visitation. After that, came day 4, Machu Picchu. By far the best day and the weather was awesome. So the trip was very very good and I loved it.

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *