Inca Trail with Poncho

by: , australian -
July 05, 2012

I have just returned from an amazing four day experience walking the Inca Trail . I was excited to be doing it as it has been a dream of mine for years, the people we were with were great and the two guides were really helpful and supportive especially to me because I struggled most of the way and walked slowly slowly!

Each day was a challenge and at times i thought I wasn´t going to make it. At the end of each day the satisfaction of making it the beautiful views and scenery were more than worth it.. Anna one of the guides was a real gem of a girl sticking with me as long as it took me....I walked as if I was in space! Poncho the main guide was also very good to me and constantly encouraged me to push on.

The porters were unbelievable, they also were an incentive for me to keep going because they were constantly RUNNING past me with the packs on their back carrying our tents cooking gear and furniture. They are unbelievable people and deserve every ounce of respect anyone gives them and MORE money!! The final day arriving at Machu Picchu although raining and cloudy could not dampen my enthusiasm and satisfaction at completing the most wonderful four days of my life.


Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *