Inka Trail

by: , australia -
May 31, 2014

The Inka Trail:

The four day hike with Inca Trail Reservations was the most exciting, amazing, and spectacular thing I have ever done.

Our guide was nothing but helpful and supportive. The cook produced the most amazing food. You would not think it was possible on a trek through the jungle that at the end the chef presented us with a perfect sized and tasting meals. The information our guide Grober filled our minds with was told with true passion. He is clearly proud of his ancestry and the phenomenal land marks they created.

I would recommend this trek and company to anyone that wants a value for money experience. The second day was the hardest thing I have ever done, mentally and physically. However the reward to see Machu Picchu at the end was worth every drop of sweat. Just a fantastic four days. The best thing I have ever done.


Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *