lncan do it

by: , United States -
November 03, 2015

One of the most incredible experiences of my life. The inca. Trail challenges you in ways that cannot be imagined, but rewards you along the way with breathtaking scenery, amazing experiences, archeological wonders, and many new friends.

Our Guide Johana was simply incredible, both as a motivator and as a person with deer knowledge of lncan culture. You are rewarded on the last day with the experience of visiting one of the seven new wonders of the world, making your hard work and persistence pay aff.

The inca Trail changes you as a person for the better and l can't thank Inca Trail Reservations enough for making it all happen.

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *