Nice event

by: , USA -
March 12, 2015

This was a once in a life time event. The guides were great, the food was wonderful and everyone was extremely friendly. We were extremely lucky to have such great weather during the day, however it rained every night. The sound of the rain as it fell on tent was very soothing at night.

It was nice to see a group of strangers band together and come out as a group of friends. The hike was amazing, but difficult at times. The second day climbing up the giant staircase was difficult but well worth the view once we arrived at the top.

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *