Salkantay with the pacha mama amigosh

by: , Belgium -
July 11, 2015

we started the trek at 11 july at a sunny morning. Victor presented himself, the horsemen and the three cooks. after that we presented ourselfs.

I immediately saw that it was a very cool group. Victor called us the pacha mama group what meant mother earth. he learned us a few quecha words. the treks we did were very beautiful and we were very lucky with the wheater. also the food the cooks cooked was very good, we also had a happy hour at 4pm.

This was very good for the ñotivation in the group. I really liked the Salkantay trek and wil recommend it to everyone

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *