Sweating in the cold

by: , Australian -
June 01, 2015

We all jumped in the bus and headed up the hill, anticipating the trek aheAd of us. On the first day we trekked up to a Glacier lake, and i, as normal, went too hard and too fast. Exhausted three quaters of the way up.

The views were breathtaking and it was definitely a surreal experience. You look up and see a cloud, and then above the cloud was the Mountain peaks.

The second day was better as i was better acclimatised, but the 22 kilómeters was hard when then rain came down. The last day was great but the most peculiar thing was the nights. Everyone else complaned about how cold the nights were, but the sleeping bag my brother gave me, allowed me to sleep in my shorts alone, and i was still sweating.

The trip isnt over and im already thinking about the next trip.

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