the most beautiful hiking trail

by: , USA -
July 23, 2012

Overall, I thought my experience during this hike was very positive. The trail was the most beautiful hiking trail I have ever hiked on. I enjoyed visiting all of the ruins, though there were a couple that we didn´t get to visit. As I walked past the ruins we did not visit, I remember wishing we could have spent some time at those sites. I would certainly recommend this trek to any of my friends; it is an experience I will not forget.

Cusco and Machu picchu have been my two favorite sites to visit since I have been in Peru. I have very much enjoyed walking along Cusco’s streets visiting local markets and eating local food. Of all the ruins I have visited, Machu picchu is certainly the most awe inspiring. My wife referred to this hike as the backpacker´s mecca and I think that this is a fitting description for this trek. When we reached Machu picchu I was struck by the size and beauty of the structures and the mountain it was built on.

The porters and guides were both great. Ronald in particular was great to work with! He was always very helpful and seemed to genuinely care for each of the hikers. He was intent on helping each of the hikers have a positive experience. I would recommend Inca Trail Reservations to friends. The food service and general experience were all very positive.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *