The road that was hell-Dorado

October 25, 2014

The 4 day Inca Trail trek was the hardest adventure I have done so far in my life. The climbs were steep and lacking air made it nearly impossible to continue, the downs jolted my bones and reverberated through my whole body. The weather was sporadic and hard to dress too without having to stop and change every 10 meters. The end destination was spectacular and luckily the weather completely cleared for the informative session guided around the site.

Even though it was terribly hard and filled with suffering and trials I wouldn't change the experience for the world. The team of porters and our guide Ramiro were incredibly supportive and I believe I can honestly state I would not have completed the trek without their warm smiles and friendly banter at camp. The food was great !

Special Package:

Inca Trail Andean Adventure

Nasca Hummingbird
This 15 Days Adventure takes you to remote places of interest in Peru, such us the amazing Colca Canyon and the enigmatic Nazca Lines. Finish your adventure on top of Machu Picchu after following the Inca Trail. *