walking under Peruvian Skies

by: , Brazilian -
October 16, 2015

To begin to understand the Inca way of life, i guess that is a characteristic of this trail. A hard trail, a defying trail, physically and mentally.But also a pleasant one, when you see those spectacular mountains, landscapes, inca remains, the pain and the exaustion are temporally forgotten.

I am happy for completing this trail, i was determinated to do this, i would say it is a dream realized and a succesfull project, and more, an experience that everybody should live, since involves physical preparation , organization to prepare your gear (i admit that i did not give the right attention to this item and i suffered the consequences, believe it...) so, it is nice to have a project like this, and you gain nice and interesting friends, since the group can be formed with persons of different nationalities, and walking.

The Inca Trail requires team cooperation, the bonds of friendship are formed in this adventure, i will recomend to everyone that asks.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *