Without a tres

by: , United States -
April 08, 2016

Beautiful trek!!!. I enjoyed my time on the trail and found the journey pleasantly challenging. We got to see mountain lakes and passes, spiritual symbols and many exotic flora and fauna.

We had to step carefully around cows in our path and avoid getting trampled by horses and buses alike. I did not realize the experience would include hot springs Our time on the trail was without flaw.

I was, however, frustrated when trying to interact with the front office. I was asked to print many documents that did not end up necessary. Extra annoying since I was already on the road and had to go out of my way.

Our briefing was also scheduled for before our flight landed. Not very timely or clear communication.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *