Fantastic Inca Trail

by: , Canadian -
April 19, 2013

HI my name is Jim Corbett and I live in BC Canada.

The Inca Trail was one of the most fantastic experiences of my life.

The orientation was great and gave us a good idea what to expect on the trail. I would suggest anyone over the age of 40 hire a porter.

The group consisted of multiple nationalities aged between 24 and myself at 72.

The trip started at 5:30 am by coach from Cuzco to Km 82 where we did the check in and started the hike.

On the way to the first camp site, was a very stiff clime, even though we were told it was relatively easy ( perhaps you only feel your going to die when you are 72 ) The scenery was incredible and I was surprised to see how many people lived along the trail.

Our guides Gerison and Martin were great explaining the culture and the wild life and vegetation.

Their knowledge, and passion for the Inca culture was incredible and I would have loved to spent another two weeks just enjoying the sites and learning more.The food was great and very filling.

The 2nd day we set out to climb Dead Womens Pass and the next peak. That was a long hot day but not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I think we all learned to pace our self's better. The views of the mountains and valleys defy description. We stopped at sites along the way and had lots of time to take pictures while catching up on the air intake.

How the porters carry all that food and equipment and set up lunch and night camp is beyond me. Every one in our group had the greatest admiration for them.

Day 3 was another day full of surprises as the trail descended and the scenery changed from mountains to a more tropical environment. It was lots of fun taking pictures of jungle scenery for us northerners. We went down 2500 plus steps. And saw breathtaking ruins at Winawayana.

On the 4th day we hiked in to Machu Picchu and spent the morning visiting that glorious city. The streets were crowded, but Gerson was great at navigating us through them and finding spaces where no one else was, so that we could listen to explanations about the city and its people without disruption.

I would highly recommend this company to others who would like a fantastic Inca Trail experience.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *