inka trail to Machupicchu

by: , Canadian -
January 15, 2014

After completing the 4 day inca trail hike to macchu picchu through Inca Trail Reservations , I was amazed at how incredible the experience was. I feel like nothing could have prepared me for how emotional of a journey the trek actually was, particularly day 2. It was rainy season, and literally rained the entire day, but getting to the top after hiking for 6 hours gives you the most amazing sense of accomplishment! Our group members bonded like family and I feel that I came out of that trek with lifelong friends. Our tour guide, Ramero, was phenomenal. He was knowledgeable, encouraging and funny, and was there for everyone the entire way. The porters blew my mind, I couldnt believe how fast they were able to hike and how much supplies they were carrying! By the time arrived at camp our tents were always set up, we were greeted with some coca tea and meals were already prepared for us. The food was incredible! Our chef Fabian made the most amazing meals 3 times per day all after basically running through the trail. The staff are amazing and helpful. All in all, this trek was the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done!

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *