Inca Trail trek to Machu Picchu December 22, 2011

by: , American -
December 22, 2011

We had a wonderful time with Inca Trail Reservations . Our Guide, Jose Luis Martinez, was extremely knowledgeable and kept our attention. We learned a lot about Machu Picchu, the Inkas and Hiram Bingham. The trek was very fun. Be sure to bring warm clothes and rain gear because it does rain a lot. We rented a sleeping bag with the company and they were nice and warm. The porters were excellent and always had everything prepared on time. The entire experience was fantastic. The food was excellent and there was plenty of it. We even had a cake on Christmas. There are a lot of stairs so it is recommended to bring a walking stick. Pack as light as possible because the trek can be pretty grueling, especially going over Dead Woman´s Pass on the second day. I also suggest booking WaynaPicchu, it was definitely worth it. There is some down time, so bring some cards, or a book or whatever will entertain you for a couple of hours. It is possible to rent boots and other equipment in Cusco. Definitely have lots of space on your memory cards because you will want to take a lot of pictures.

From the moment we reached Cusco, we knew we would like it better than Lima. Our first day, we just explored the town. The second day, we went on a day tour of the Sacred Valley. This turned out to be very special because we visited sites that are otherwise difficult to reach. The third day was our briefing for the Inca Trail . All of my questions were answered and it was fun to meet my fellow trekkers. As for the actual hike, I was nervous because I was not sure if I was going to suffer from altitude sickness or food poisoning. Coming to Cusco a few days early helped deter the altitude sickness, and food poisoning was far from my mind while I enjoyed each and every meal that was served on the Inca Trail . All of the arrangements were superb, especially because I did not have to worry about things such as transfers and carrying my own tent. The hike was pretty rigorous and my legs hurt during and a few days after the hike. It was well worth it though... the atmosphere along the Inca Trail was beautiful and Machu Picchu is more magical than I had hoped! I would recommend this company because everything was taken care of and all the promises were kept. My regrets include packing too much and not talking with the porters earlier on in the trip. This hike is great for couples, singles, and families with older children. I do not think it would be enjoyable for children under 13...too much walking. Do not forget bug spray, extra camera batteries and playing cards for the down time in the afternoons. Have fun¡¡¡

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *