Overcoming the mountain

by: , Danish -
March 18, 2014

In a group of four plus our guide Carlos we started out early from Cusco by van. On the way to Mollepata we picked up our cook Beltran and arrived at Mollepata in time for breakfast at a local restaurant. From Mollepata we continued on to the drop off point where we met our horse driver Einer. After unloading the van and loading the horses we started the trek towards our first campsite. The two first days were the hardest of the entire trek and both of us suffered from a mild degree of altitude illness. However, as soon as we passed the Salkantay pass and started the descent towards Chaullay the altitude illness passed within 20 minutes and was never experienced again. On the third day we visited the hot springs close to Santa Teresa which is highly recommended after 3 days of trekking. On the fourth day we and Carlos tried the zip lining tour close to Santa Teresa on the way towards the hydro electrical plant (Hydroelectric) from where we and the rest of the group hiked the last 2,5 hours to Aguas Calientes and a long waited hot shower. On day five we got up early to visit Machu Picchu, where Carlos gave us a tour of the most important sites and temples.

The high points of the trek have been the camp life, traveling as a small family group and experiencing the changes in nature during the descent from Salkantay pass and to the highland jungle. Also, we truly appreciated all the effort that Inca Trail Reservations put into organizing the trek, the hard work Beltran and Einer performed to take care of us and the excellent guide work Carlos did to show us the beauty of the Peruvian nature. We would highly recommend this trek to anyone but remember the altitude illness pills and a good hike boots.

Camilla and Rasmus, Denmark

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *