Painfully good

by: , U.S citizen -
October 02, 2014

The 4 day trek was incredible ! It starts on the 1st day with a relatively easy hike. Lots of "Inca flat" stretches that just serves to "trick" you and get your hopes up that this trek will be easy. You wake up on day 2 to a very real surprise that this hike will be very serious and is not to be taken lightly. High altitude combined with a steep climb makes for a very serious day 2, then you have to descend what you just killed yourself climbing (your knees will not thank you).

Day 3 is a combination of day 2 and 1 but after conquering day 2 nothing really scares you. Day 4 is easy, just wake up early, hike about 6 km at fast pace, climb some crazy steep steps and arrive at the entrance to the great Machu Picchu. All in all, Machu Picchu was just a tiny part of this amazing and unforgettable trek. Highly recommend Inca Trail Reservations for this trek, great food, great and very informed guides and it is a local company ! Thank you.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *