Sexy Pumas crossing the Andean mountains

by: , Eslovaquia -
July 18, 2016

I have found the Salkantay trek experience really nice. I have met amazing people from all over the world, the crew was taken good care of all of us and most importantly, we got to see the beautiful part of Andean nature.

The weather was fantastic and our guides were providing information along the trail.

However there were few things which could be improved though:

1, The water supply; in the briefing we were informed we would be able to get boiled water along the trek however it wasn't the case all the time.

2, The optional activities; there were 3 options offered on day 4, however the biggest stress and importance was given to the activities where extra purchase is required. The beautiful trek to Llaqtapata has been barely described as nice and not promoted enough.

Hence I suggest to promote all options equally.

To sum it up, I am leaving Perú with the fantastic hiking experience.


Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *