The life changer!

by: , Canadian -
August 04, 2013

On August the 4th i started my journey doing the Inca Trail on my way to machu picchu. I didn´t realize how difficult the trek would be but it was all worth it. I met many interesting people during this time whether it was the guide, porters, cooks, or the other people doing the trek. We shared stories over our meals and got really close.

There were certain points when I wasn´t sure i could make it much further but with the support of everyone around me it made it much easier to power through the adversity. The guide was very helpful and had lots of knowledge. I learnt a lot about the incas on this trip. the scenery was amazing whether is was staring down at the other mountains, trees, and creeks from the highest points or just watching the stars and fireflies at night.

During my trip through South America the inca trail in Peru was the most challenging and fun experience I have had. If you get the chance to come to Peru i highly reccomend doing this trek. You´ll meet lots of new friends and have stories you can share for the rest of your life.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *