the salkantay trail and machu picchu

by: , Austria -
June 05, 2013

Our Salkantay trek started on June 5. we were picked up at our hotel. unfortunately our pickup was delayed by about an hour. Because it was also raining, our guide (Raul) decided to drive to the first base camp rather than hike there. We were cool with that, since the first half day of hiking would only have been on a street.

After lunch at the base camp, the rain had stopped and we hiked to the beautiful Humantai lake. this lake with its turquoise water was definitely worth the walk.

The 2nd day began early at 5am because we had a long path waiting for us. We hiked from the first base camp to the Salkantay pass. On the way there the weather was great and we had an awesome view. While walking down from the pass the vegetation slowly became jungle-like and it started to rain. That's why most of our things were wet when we arrived at the camp where we spent the 2nd night. Thanks to the porters, our tents were set up in a shelter again so we had a dry second night unlike groups of other companies.

On the third day we walked through the beautiful Santa Teresa valley, saw some hot springs, coffee plantations and tried the best passion fruit ever.

As we only did the four day tour, we visited machu picchu already on June 8. this old Inca city is a must when visiting Peru. We also had great fun climbing huayna picchu. Shortly before midday some fog set in, which gave the whole city a completely different, but fascinating atmosphere than during the morning when the sun was shining.

All in all the salkantay trail and machu picchu were a great experience which we are definitely going to remember and value for the rest of our lives.

Thanks to our cooks who always managed to prepare delicious meals for us, and big thanks to Raul, our guide, who did an amazing job during these four days. We love you man!!! (But not forever) ;)

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *