
by: , Australian -
June 07, 2014

Day 1 - Set off by bus from Cusco having met our guide Carlos we settled in for the trip to the start of the hike. An after a quick breakfast we jumped back onto the bus and got dropped off at our start point. To help us make quick time to the camp Carlos took us on some "short cuts" up the mountain side that saw our heart rates rise. After the short cuts the walk the progressed along the water channel allowing us to take in some of the fantastic scenery while we caught our breath. After reaching camp and enjoying lunch we then had the option to hike up a further 300m in altitude to a glacier fed lake. While hiking up to this lake I experienced my first notable affects from the altitude. However the photo opportunities at the lake made it worthwhile.

Day 2 - Today was all about the climb up to Salkantay pass. The fresh weather made for excellent walking conditions with blue skies. Again as we climbed higher the affects of the altitude continued to take their toll on me much to my frustration. With the guidance and support of Carlos I completed the climb and was rewarded with even more spectacular views. Again we had the option to visit another lake refusing to be deterred by the altitude I went to the lake for more photo opportunities. On our decent into our lunch spot and later camp to the affects of altitude had knocked me around a bit. Carlos was again a fantastic support and helped me reach camp to where I slept off the affects of altitude.

Day 3 - Feeling much better after a good nights rest we set off from camp following along side one of the rivers fed from the mountain. During this part of the hike we saw a significant change in landscape from ice capped mountains and grass lands to thicker bush and fast flowing waters below. We reached our lunch spot for the day then after lunch we had the option of visiting the local hot springs which was an amazing way to relax and reward our bodies for the past days hiking.

Day 4 - With all of the affects of the altitude behind me I jumped at the opportunity to do the optional zip line activity which was a fantastic start to the day then a short bus ride to the train line with nice flat walking and great scenery as we walked towards Machu Picchu town.

Day 5 - With each day that has passed on this trip it's gotten better and better. As such I can't wait to reach Machu Picchu ruins tomorrow.

Despite the affects of the altitude it's been a fantastic trip that I will remember for many years to come.

Special Package:

Machu Picchu Travel

10 Days - A special package including assistance at your arrival in Lima, all accommodation and transportation required...and of course our world famous Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu. *